Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Allow God to Happen to You


God is Love. Only love. Everything that He has ever created has been created in love, including all of humanity. Not only have we been created in love, but are sustained by that love every moment of our lives.

God is Spirit. Not ‘a’ spirit, but Spirit - His love expressed. All of creation, including humanity, is a expressed form of Spirit or 'Spirit slowed down to the point of visibility'. Spirit is Oneness and therefore all things (and beings) are connected.

Spirit is love. God in action - relentlessly and tirelessly manifesting goodness in every microscopic detail of the universe, including our lives. The Fathers loving intention for creation is that it be good. That life be good!


Separation from the Father (called the Fall) is an idea that developed inside the mind of mankind over time. The result was fear and in order to try and deal with it, we developed an ego which thrives on gaining acceptance and control.

These three linked ideas - separation, fear and ego are false (an illusion), based on an incorrect perception rather than knowledge of the Father and ourselves. With ego firmly entrenched, mankind went about building a world (by the sweat of his brow) with all its fear-based mind-sets and systems.

We are not born with fear. This is not a part of our natural being – the Father created us in love, to be loved and to love. This is why fear feels so bad and uncomfortable (dis-ease) and love feels so good. Fear is something that we learn from our parents, friends, religions, schools, business and governments. 


Jesus is the only type of human that exists. He said, “In that day you will know that I am in my Father, you are in me and I am in you”. Separation from the Father is not possible in creation or hereafter. Humanity is the Sonship, of which Jesus is the first-born, the head and older brother.

Many within the Sonship are ignorant of the fact that they are Sons. Others believe that they can be if they try hard enough. This is ‘the absurdity of trying to get into a room in which you are already standing’.

The Choice

Spirit or Ego, Love or Fear, Allow or Resist, Surrender or Control.

Faith is 'allowing God to love you’. Ego will resist this as it cannot comprehend Spirit. Trying to fix the ego with Spirit will be fruitless as Spirit does not recognise the reality of ego. Oftentimes we try to fix the ego with the ego which as we can see is insanity - the blind leading the blind.

Surrender to the Spirit of Truth and allow Him to love you in every detail of your life. Give up the fight of the ego to manage life and control outcomes! Allow God to happen to you. The result is peace, rest and joy and a life that works and is abundantly good - your grand design and the Fathers eternal purpose.


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