Monday, April 18, 2016

Be Still

God is Spirit. One Spirit – the ‘all-in-all’, the Absolute, Infinite One. Nothing exists outside of Him and everything has its being in Him. Spirit is indivisible and is therefore both the universal and the individual. Spirit has no opposite and is completely unforced, the Perfect Harmony of all things that pertain to Life and Godliness. Spirit is Truth. Spirit is Reality. Spirit is ‘I AM' (The Father).

The Soul is begotten or birthed by Spirit, however, they are never separated. Spirit and Soul exist in perfect union, which is called Heaven. In this sense though, Spirit is ‘greater’ or ‘higher’ than Soul. Soul is fully aware of Spirit and is where choices are made (The Son) and Spirit is experienced (The Holy Spirit). In creation, the Soul functions like a spotless mirror, reflecting the Light of Spirit into form. In other words, Spirit creates perfectly through the Soul, or the Father through the Son by the Holy Spirit. Heaven on Earth.

The Christ-man is a Body in which the Union of Spirit and Soul exists and by which it is expressed. The Spirit, Soul and Body are One.

However, if the surface of this ‘mirror’ was to become marked or misted over, the reflection would no longer be True. It could even be that the Truth would not be visible at all. The difference between the reflection of Truth and falsity is merely a thin veil. The Christ-man would no longer function as Himself.

Nothing in Reality would have changed though and as long as One ‘mirror' remained spotless, the entire creation would remain Perfect, just not ‘seen’ as such by the others. The only remedy would be for this veil to be removed, however, those with the veiled ‘mirror’ could not be aware that this was required. They would need to witness the One and awaken to the Truth.

Today, if our lives are not bearing witness to (reflecting) the Truth, if we are not experiencing Heaven on Earth, it is only due to the thinly veiled mist covering the awareness of our Souls. We are all the Christ-man – there is no other type of man.

After the Fall (veiling of the Soul), The Tree of Life (Union) in the Garden was guarded by angels and a sword of fire, which symbolizes Revelation and Truth. This is the only way back into the Garden – the Revelation (Knowledge) of Truth – of Who we Are and always have been - the Christ-man. We are commanded in the scriptures to love the Revelation of Truth (Lord) with all our Souls - this is our hope of glory. The Apostle John received this Revelation in the vision of the New Jerusalem (amongst others).

Knowledge is Truth (unlike perception), and with it comes peace, the stillness of Soul. Just like the Sea of Galilee, when still, perfectly reflects the light of the sun, so it is with us when we have this stillness of Soul, we perfectly reflect the Light of the Son – our True Selves – into our world. Jesus un-veiled this Perfect Truth, Way and Life.

“Be still and know that I AM God”  - Read Psalm 46

להיות עדיין

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