Monday, January 14, 2019

The Heir I Breathe

“Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me” (John 14:11)

In the above verse, Jesus is revealing to us the relationship between the Father and the Son. This is the only true relationship that exists. However, due to our belief that we are separate from God (which is what the principle of sin is) we have accepted that this relationship applies to Jesus only, as the only Son. However, Jesus himself includes us in this relationship when he says,

“In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you”. (John 14:20)

From this we can see that we are ALL the Son(ship) of God. This revelation (and relationship) was demonstrated for us through the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus.

Just before he said this he had told the disciples that it was through the ‘Spirit of Truth’ that we would know this.


The English word ‘Spirit’ is derived from the Latin ‘Spiritus’, which means breath or breathing. In Hebrew the word ‘Ruach’ was used, which means breath or wind. In the Greek it is ‘Pneuma’, which also means breath or breathing.

The physical cycle of breathing includes firstly the in-breath and then the out-breath. In Spirit (breathing), we find the relationship between the Father and the Sonship – firstly the in-breath (I am in my Father) and then the out-breath (my Father is in me), all in a perfect, harmonious rhythm of love, which is Heaven.

In this relationship, the Father and the Sonship are never separated, but are in an eternal flow of love from one to another, like a divine dance. However, this flow is not in the context of time and space – there is no separation. The Father is the universal life-source (in-breath), and the Sonship, the infinite, unique, individual expression of that life (out-breath). The Sonship however is never other, or another. Not a human-being or even a God-being, but God being. The infinite breath (flow/dance) of love and life, as you and as me.

The cycle (or flow) of breathing is only whole (Holy) when there is both the in-breath and out-breath. This is the Holy Spirit, the eternal flow or movement of love between the Father and the Sonship. God cannot be the Father without the Sonship, and the Sonship cannot exist separately from the Father.

The ocean provides a great picture of this relationship. The Ocean (the Father) expresses itself as infinite, individual waves (the Sonship). These waves can be seen deep in the ocean as well as those rolling onto the beach with unique expression. However, the wave always returns to the ocean and this cycle perpetuates itself with an ongoing, effortless rhythm. The wave is in the ocean and the ocean is in the wave. Never separated. Never other.


In John 14:7 Jesus uses the word “known”.

If you had known me, you should have known my Father also: and from now on you know him, and have seen him. 

This is the same word that Mary uses when speaking to the angel Gabriel about conceiving a son.

“How shall this be seeing that I do not know a man”. (Luke 1:34)

This word is used in reference to sexual intimacy, similar to the rhythm, flow or dance of breathing (inward/outward motion). This word is a verb and is absolute and experiential. Jesus later tells us that this ‘divine dance’ is eternal life:

And this is eternal life, that they would know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” (John 17:3)


This relationship is the Truth (Reality) of all men, however, most are ignorant of this. In the delusion of separation (called The Fall in the story of Adam and Eve), which is Sin, we have created an ego (false-self/unreality), which is the sinner (born of belief in separation), to try and manage life. It was this lie of separation and the resulting ego that was overcome and exposed for what it is (false/unreal) by Jesus throughout his incarnation. At Paul's conversion, God revealed that the Son was (already and always) in him (Gal 1:16), and thereafter he (Paul) referred to the ego as the “old man”. (Rom 6:6, Eph 4:22, Col 3:9)


Christ is the “light (enlightenment) of all men” (John 1:4). Christ is the “Spirit of Truth” (John 14:17). Christ is “all and in all” (Col 3:11). “It is Christ in us that is our hope of glory (Heaven now)”. (Col 1:27)

What is it that Christ in us enlightens or causes us to realize?

“Everyone who realizes their association in him, convinced that he is their original life and that his name defines them, God gives the assurance that they are indeed his offspring, begotten of him; he sanctions the legitimacy of their sonship” (John 1:12 Mirror Bible)

The Good News of the Gospel is that all men are begotten (out-breath) of the Father. Jesus Christ reveals this to us.

Take a few moments, close your eyes and become aware of your in-breath and your out-breath. Become aware of the divine dance of love of the Father and the Son, which you are.

Be still and know God, your I AM.


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